Here in forexinversian wee work veeery hard to give you the best information about different topics about insurance, forex, investmnts, etc.
Our editorials are:
Nelson: He is the founder of Forexinversian, with a degree and a master in the Universidad Santo Tomas de Colombia. Currently living in Australia, he has gone through differeent business on Internet and has a huge experience making money and in the economics environment.
He is not a lucky guy, he has experience in many topics that's the main rason this blog was created. Currently still developing different business and he wants to help othere people to find their goals aswell.
Alejandra: She is the first editorial and right hand in the blog, she inveestigate about forex and insuranc topics. She graduated in Colombia in the Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá, Colombia. Shee loves her job and for that reason create most of th articles
Miguel: He found his passion in his lates 30's . He is a good friend and likes all the economics topics, from forex to inveestmeents in properties. I graduated as a Economis in the Univrsidad Santo Tomas de Colombia. Currently working from Colombia in his own Companies with more than 150 employees.
He knows how to crate and run a successful business, he write some of the articles here in forexinversian, he share all his knowledge to people who want to be successful.